Outdated branding is branding that impacts your business growth. Every business must have a modern and visually appealing brand that attracts its target audience and shows its unique value proposition. But your business will see negative results when you nod at obsolete branding. Keep reading to discover the negative signs your business shows caused by your branding.

You’re Not Seeing Any Conversions From Your Social Media Marketing.
Your business is on social media. It shares content consistently, aiming to provide value while promoting your offerings. Although you have great reach, it’s not converting into engagement, followers, website visits, and sales. What if we tell you your marketing isn’t the problem, but your branding is?
Marketing does not work on its own. Businesses need the branding to convert that reach into a loyal audience. Therefore, if your potential customers do not express interest in your business, it may be because your branding is outdated. Hence, your target audience may not resonate with your brand’s visual identity, personality, and unique value proposition.
Before jumping into social media marketing, businesses must have a clear brand strategy and an eye-catching visual identity. That way, you can implement these elements onto social media graphics and content that gets your target audience’s attention.

Your Business Is Inconsistent Across All Touchpoints.
As a business, you have an in-house team and outsource product services to work on different parts of your business. You have people working on your website, others on your socials, and another person or team in customer service. However, their lack of information and vision leads to problems.
For instance, your brand’s social media graphics look one way, but your website implements the same visual identity differently. Your social’s community manager and copywriter showcase a friendly and youthful personality, but your customer service team treats and expresses themselves differently. Consequently, your target audience and customers are confused with who your business is as a brand.
Brands must look, feel and express themselves as the same person or team. Without updated brand guidelines, achieving this can be difficult. Brand guidelines are blueprints for implementing strategy and visual identity consistently. They help everyone operating in your business have a clear vision of presenting the brand throughout all touchpoints.
While our clients outsource our services, at D&S, we work like your business’s in-house team. Thanks to the in-depth brand guidelines we create for our clients and our seamless communication, we ensure brand consistency for them throughout all their assets.

Your Website Has a Dated Look.
Your business has gotten new traffic on your website. Then, you notice that, according to the analytics, the latest traffic and returning users are decreasing. But how is branding affecting your website?
Stanford University did a study in which they found that 94% of first impressions are design-related. Their research found that design influences the decision to check out your products, services, and overall content. Your website’s visual identity is essential for attracting and engaging your target audience. A modern visual identity will make your website more visually appealing and help it stand out. Therefore, if you have a poor design, those leads will exit your website, not return, and be less likely to recommend your business to others.
Before updating your website, your business must work on its visual identity. Your visuals may need a refresh or redesign of everything from scratch. At D&S, we have had clients with outdated websites due to dated visuals. That’s why, when they inquire about our services, we schedule a discovery call to learn more about their goals and needs and create a custom proposal for them. After working on their visual identity, we implement it on their website to maintain a modern look and feel.

Potential Customers Don’t See the Value in Buying From You.
Your small business may have heard leads negatively comment on your supposed high prices. Regardless, if your ideal customers constantly refuse to buy from you, your branding might be the culprit.
An outdated brand can cause negative impressions on your target audience. People might associate dated branding with obsolete and unoriginal products and services. As a result, customers are less likely to trust your brand and see the value in buying your offerings. Even if your business has a customer base, outdated branding can decrease your chances of attracting new customers and standing out from your competitors.
In short, outdated branding causes negative impacts on your business. It affects first impressions, getting sales and ROI, and prevents you from growing your business. But it does not need to be this way. We are sure your business is innovative and has great offerings your target audience can benefit from. We can help you show the value of buying from you and recommending you to others.
Let us guide you on how and book a discovery call with us to receive goals-oriented creative services that get you results. Discover the difference with our services today.